Grant Johnson, Photographer

Grant Johnson Photography

A fascination with land form dominates my work, specifically the evolution of form resulting from the interaction of natural and human forces with the landscape. The 2000 presidential election and the, subsequent, dot-com collapse of the stock market signaled a “new normal” in economics and politics, with an emphasis on disposable technology and energy production. This caused a distressing increase in extractive industry mining, drilling and logging and inspired the Welcome to the Future series.

For twenty years I was an assignment photographer/videographer for The Nature Conservancy covering California and areas of Hawaii. Over the years I have made repeat visits to many locations and have observed and photographed changes brought about by increased human activity and climate change.

As an artist, these alterations of my subject matter have dominated my attention. Many of the environmental problems we have created are solvable, but solutions are not happening fast enough. Change is critical if we want to survive in a world of living nature as opposed to a synthetic, algorithmically-mediated bubble. As a species we are at a crossroad where our failure to evolve an environmental consciousness will result in our decline and perhaps, eventual extinction.

I currently use reconnaissance image processing technology to interpret my terrestrial and high altitude aerial photographs as large prints. In New Landscape Work I utilize satellite image composites, to show the “big picture” effect of our competitive consumption. The wholesale loss of forest, now accelerating at a terrifying pace, prompted my Healing Environments show in 2017 which showcases the ability of forests to recover after catastrophic abuse, and highlights the folly of historic forest management practices.

My work also pays homage to the millions of years of evolved perfection found only in nature and includes series such as Landform, Waterlily, and Water Color, which I began early in my career and continue to expand.

Trained as a painter and photographer before becoming involved with new media, I received the first graduate degree in experimental video awarded by the Rhode Island School of Design in 1975.

Grant Johnson, Photographer

For more info: Turning a Blind Eye to Catastrophic Truths 


Amos Eno Gallery 
56 Bogart Street
Brooklyn, NY 11206 718-237-3001

Strata Gallery
418 Cerrillos Road Suite 1-C
Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505) 780-5403


2024 Retrospective, Strata Gallery, Santa Fe NM
2023 Undisclosed Locations, Strata Gallery, Santa Fe NM
2022 The Human Imprint & EXTRACTION videowork, Amos Eno Gallery, New York
2017 Healing Environments, Canessa Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2013 New Landscape Works & Beautiful Disasters, Canessa Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2009 Domesticated Landscapes, 50 Fremont Street, San Francisco, CA
2008 Welcome to the Future, Canessa Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2006 Marked Terrain, Canessa Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2004 The Other Side of the Valley, Canessa Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2002 No Man’s Land, Canessa Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2001 New Landscape works, Stimulus Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1983 Homage to Jackson Pollack, Stimulus Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1980 Electronic Paintings, Series 2, Stimulus Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1979 Touissett Series & Water Lilies, Stimulus Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2024 Seeing is Believing, Amos Eno Gallery, Brooklyn NY
2024 Magic Hour, Amos Eno Gallery, Brooklyn NY
2022 Ensemble Winter Group Show, Amos Eno Gallery, Brooklyn NY
2022 Second Annual Group Exhibition, Strata Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2022 Towards a New Animism, Amos Eno Gallery, Brooklyn NY
2021 Hyper / Reality, Amos Eno Gallery, Brooklyn NY
2019 Plus+One, Amos Eno Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2019 Weather the Weather, a SciArt Initiative exhibition at the NY Hall of Science, Brooklyn, NY
2011 Hello Tomorrow, David Brower Center, Berkeley, CA review
2010 The Green Show, California Modern Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2009 Depth of Perception, Marin Museum of Contemporary Art, Novato, CA
2008 RISD Alumni Biennial, Oakland Art Gallery, Oakland, CA
  One Night Stand,, Mina Dresden Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2004 Off The Preserve, Di Rosa Preserve’s All in the Family, Napa, CA
2004 St. Supry Winery, Rutherford, CA
2003 VSA Arts of Utah GalleryThe Utah Environment, Salt lake City, UT
2001 SomARTS, San Francisco, CA
1997 Yosemite Renaissance, Yosemite National Park, CA
1989 New York Film Festival, New York, NY
Mill Valley Film Festival, Mill Valley, CA
New American Makers Video Festival, San Francisco, CA
1986 Mill Valley Film Festival, Mill Valley, CA
1985 SIGGRAPH Art Exhibit, San Francisco, CA (International touring exhibit)
1984 Cory Gallery, San Francisco, CA
San Francisco Arts Festival, San Francisco, CA
San Francisco International Video Festival, San Francisco, CA
1983 SIGGRAPH Art Exhibit, Atlanta, GA (International touring exhibit)
1979 Telluride Arts and Sciences, Telluride, CO.
1976 Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA Brown University, Providence, RI
1975 Woods-Geary Gallery, Providence, RI Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
2009 The Nature Conservancy California, 50th Anniversary , by Jordon Peavey, Lisa Van Cleef & Susan Ives, TNC. org
2008 Sierra Summit , by Tom Knudson, Sacramento Bee
2008 Space Art , by Michael Carroll, Watson-Guptill Publications
2004 The Architectural Source Book, The Guild, Madison, WI
1989 California’s Leading Artists, California Art Review
1985 SIGGRAPH ’85 Art Show, Exhibition Catalog
  ACM/SIGGRAPH Traveling Art show, Exhibition Catalog (Japanese edition)
1984 KQED Art Notes, San Francisco, CA. Locally televised interview Art and the Computer by Melvin Pruitt, McGraw Hill Publication.
1983 SIGGRAPH ’83Art Show, Exhibition Catalog.
2003 Mary Jane & Alan Freeland, Private Collection, San Francisco, CA
2001 Scenic Wonders, Inc. Madison, WI.
1999 Patricia & Matthew Peterson, Private Collection, Madison, WI.
1989 New York Film Festival, New York, NY
1982 National Endowment for the Arts/AFI Grant
1981 Award of Excellence, Cable Car Awards, San Francisco, CA
2009 Kaiser Permanente, Vallejo, CA
2007 Memorial Hospital, Modesto, CA
1991 The Nature Conservancy, Northern California Regional Office, San Francisco CA
1975 Master of Fine Arts, Film/Video, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
1973-8 Associate Artist, MacColl Studio for Electronic Music, Brown University, Providence,RI.
1972 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting/Photography University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

Career Highlights
Full Resume

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